SRH Campus Dresden

International Research Institute for the Hospitality Industry at the SRH Dresden

In future, partners from Dresden, Hong Kong, Vienna and Helsinki will work closely together in the Institute of Global Hospitality Research (IGHOR)

For 25 years, the SRH Hotel-Akademie Dresden has stood for excellent study programmes and further education in the hotel industry. As part of the SRH University of Applied Sciences Berlin, international Bachelor's and, in the future, Master's programmes are offered there. This successful focus on "International Hotel Management" was decisive for the foundation of the first international research institute for global challenges in the hotel industry: the Institute of Global Hospitality Research (IGHOR). This combines project research with a contemporary holistic understanding of management and creates a unique international research network.

Partners from renowned universities worldwide joined forces under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Hartwig Bohne to work together on cross-border issues and international comparative analyses: "It is a special challenge to analyse international challenges for the hotel industry and to derive application-oriented concepts within the framework of cross-border projects. We are pleased and proud to welcome several renowned experts from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Modul University Vienna, University of the South Pacific, Kansas State University and Haaga Helia University Helsinki to our research team and already have additional requests for cooperation from universities in the Netherlands, other Asian countries and the Middle East," says the Executive Director of the new institute Prof. Dr. Hartwig Bohne.

The Institute's management is composed as follows:

Prof. Dr. Hartwig Bohne, Executive Director, SRH Hochschule Berlin Campus Dresden

Prof. Dr. Markus Schuckert, Scientific Director, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dr. Florian Aubke, Deputy Scientific Director, Modul University Vienna

Other members of the international research team are:

Prof. Dr. Stephen Pratt, University of the South Pacific, Suva/Fiji

Prof. Dr. Michael Ottenbacher, Kansas State University, Manhattan/USA

Ms. Pirkko Salo, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki/Finland

International Hospitality Concepts

In this context, the particularly people-related sector of the hotel industry is analysed against the background of the changing work processes, also due to digitalisation and automation. The aim is to derive research projects for sustainable human resources management and technology-based process optimisation. Fundamental questions of the diversified hotel industry at home and abroad are in the focus as well as cross-border, multilingual in-depth approaches, motivation and experience-oriented modelling and multinational implementation possibilities.

Global technology and innovation transfer

The implementation of new digital instruments, process procedures and technologies, their effects on the internal constitution of a service company with its stakeholders and on the immediate environment, as well as their contributions to social and socio-economic sector development are also relevant to research. Distinct competence building and its permanent further development as

well as the associated global networking with a responsible handling of copyrights and respect for other economic systems and traditions are also part of the research portfolio.

Start-up promotion and design thinking

In order to do justice to an innovative and at the same time holistic claim, research projects for the promotion of start-ups and the development of creative impulses in a strongly small-scale industry are also characteristic of this institute. Together with the students from the newly launched Master's programme Hospitality Management & Leadership, approaches are developed for responsible industry growth, a compatible embedding of new hotel projects and business models both in strongly touristic and in structurally weak areas, as well as their financing.